Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday 6/30 back in London

Got a great nights sleep last night, back in London, where things are familiar.

It took a bit getting here, our train from Germany to Paris was smooth, it had a cool speed that was in each cabin and you could see how fast it was going, for a while it was going 320KPH! Crazy fast, it was fun to watch the speeds go up and down.

Otherwise not major drama on that train, of course when we get to Paris it's a MESS! The Euro star signage is kind of crap and figuring out where to retrieve our reserved tickets took a bit, then we had a quick lunch, and got ourselves to the area our train was to leave from.

For some reason earlier that day all the trains were behind a little because there had been a power failure in the English Channel (scary idea to be on a train in the Channel and have no lights!) So there was a mess of madness, and people who were antsy and impatient.

After a long wait (about a 40 minute delay) we got on the train, and then got back to London, the ride was uneventful. In London we had to take the underground to meet my Aunt at the station close to their house, so we got in line to buy a ticket for the underground.

Sweet victory was when the person in front of us was French, and got to the ticket counter and asked the attendant if she spoke French, the attendant looked at her like YOUR NUTS!!!

We got our tickets and made it to the right station, got picked up, and came back, vegged and ate dinner.

The entertainment for the night was watching the Euro 2008 final game, Turkey vs Spain.
I was rooting for Spain as the underdog, and they WON! 1-0. I guess Germany didn't play so well. It was fun watching with English announcers!

Today we're heading to another relatives to hang out, and then tomorrow we're going to explore some more of the city, and do a little bit of shopping. Then Wednesday will be a relax day before we head to Silverstone.

Still waiting to hear from Prodrive if we can make it to them from Oxford (where our hotel is) to Banbury (where they are) about 35 minutes apart, via public transport since we won't have a car. If we can we'll head there on Thursday, and then spend Friday/Saturday & Sunday F1'ing it!

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