Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6th, our last day.

So it's about 11:30PM again, and I can't sleep.

We're checked into our flight from here to Montreal, then will have to check in sept for our flight from there to Cbus. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG travel day but we're both ready to be at our own home, not living out of a bag anymore.

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect end to the trip, the British Grand Prix was 100% insane! In a wonderful way (well other then that Lewis had to win & Massa finished last of those that finished). It was JAM packed with action and spins and all kinds of goodness for those of us watching.

Today the weather was about 40 ( we could see our breath), COLD, and WINDY and RAINY! Wonderful for all the madness that was the race, we were a little cold but all was forgotten during race time!

I should probably call it a night soon and let the pictures we'll upload sometime after we're back do the justice for the race and it's wonderfulness.

After the race we took the bus from Oxford to Heathrow, then the train from there to Hounslow, there we got picked up by our cousins Lavi & Raj, they took us to dinner and we had a great time sharing funny stories about being married and just hanging out. Afterwards, we packed and weighed our bags (i did mention our stuff has multiplied right?). Aaron is now in bed, and I should likely also follow suit since we have such a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Sleep on Monday night will be easy, since we'll be HOME! :D

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